Serve with Us Austin Cathedral
There are many opportunities to serve the body and minister to the house at the Austin Cathedral. If you’d like to serve, please contact us using the form below. It’ll be given to the appropriate person, who can get in touch with you to explore it further.
Places to Serve
Hospitality 1 Sunday per month
Greeting people as they arrive, directing people to the proper places around the building, answering questions for visitors, etc. Reports to: Shara Parker
Worship As Needed
Serving the congregation in the worship experience: instrumentalists, vocalists, and audio/visual technicians. Reports to: Darren Shaw
Children's Ministry 1 Sunday per month
Teaching children ages 4-11 using our provided curriculum; assisting in various capacities. Reports to: Aaron & Rachel Deckler
Youth Ministry As Needed
Youth ministry is for teens age 12-18; Volunteers in this ministry assist Youth Pastors in various capacities. Reports to: Bill and Stacey Reid
Ushers 1-4 Sundays per month
Ushers help facilitate the sanctuary services: communion, offering, moving of chairs, assisting people in finding their way around the building, other duties as assigned. Reports to: Joel Davis
Facilities As needed
Facilities volunteers help keep the property and building in order and good repair: minor yard work (weeding/trimming hedges), minor repairs, maintenance, and beautifying in and around the building. Reports to: Joel Davis